BankFlow Family Spreads Positivity on ‘Music Reborn’

BankFlow Family
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One of the best ways to advance in the music industry is simple collaboration. Sharing your talents with others is what we should always want to do. At the same time, being open to picking up ideas and tips from other musical minds will help your own growth. A great example is our friends from BankFlow Family. Their new album Music Reborn is showing the benefits of collaboration.

The Chicago, Illinois based group consists of rapper Karizmatik, singer Unique Soul, and singer/rapper T Law. In the past, IndieBandGuru has covered the T Law single “Make It Celebrating.” That fun positivity continues in the BankFlow Family Collective. By merging their unique styles something comes together that all people can enjoy. There is a positivity that runs throughout their music that is infectious.

The new Music Reborn record is a monster project consisting of 17 tracks to share something for everyone that is willing to accept positivity. The opener “Until It’s Over” sets the tone for BankFlow Family introducing the members and their motivation to succeed no matter what hurdles they have to bust through. Each member takes a verse to show off their individual talents. Somehow it all comes together effortlessly.

The success mantra “Victorious” lets the group put all their cards on the table. There is nothing that can stop a positive mindset and hard work. BankFlow Family has both in spades. It continues on “Prove Em Wrong” with a darker beat. Here they focus on getting away from the haters and negativity. This is a track for all the hard workers to relate to. Nothing can stop them.

Some romance enters the record with “Loving Me.” A smoothed out beat sits behind some smooth flows. The back and forth male and female voices let the love shine through. The vibe switches up on “Day Of The Reckoning.” The hard beat pairs with an attacking lyrical style that gets heads bopping along. Straight up big time energy.

The pure positivity returns on “Proud” and “Musical Inspiration” even with different sounds to the tracks. The infectious beats are solid as the lyrics bring together the vibes of coming successes. There is no stopping a group that has this mindset.

Keep an eye and an ear out for the BankFlow Family. The community they build will support them well.


And listen to the album on your favorite platform HERE.

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