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One of the best way to reach true fans in this modern music industry is to be real and true.  People want to be able to relate to the artist and feel like they are truly entered into their world.  It is not the hot new 20 year old pop artist with crazy hair it is whoever reaches their emotions no matter what they look like or how old they are.  Take for example the story of Bob Pressner.

The prolific lyricist and songwriter has led a full life from being a Wall Street commodities trader to studying with a Tibetan monk in Colorado.  Now in his sixties Bob Pressner has turned all his attention to his true passion, music.  His songs aim to have a real meaning with substance and significance as opposed to much of the mainstream pop music we hear today.  It has taken a while for Bob to get his songwriting chops to where they needed to be but his dedication to the craft has been unwavering and now is paying off.

Last month Bob Pressner released his latest album Everyman.  It is a 13 track record that puts it all on the table in a classic rock and real Americana way.  The opener is the lead track “California”.  The bright and light song pushes you to have a positive vision and keep moving forward no matter what.  Enjoy the lyric video here:

Bob Pressner shows off some vocal talents on the darker “Hard Times Ahead”.  The folk/americana tone of the song makes for a good listen out on the open road.  There are odes to his past on tracks such as “New York City” and “Waterfall” which honors his time with TIbetan Monk Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.  The atmospheric background sounds bring the listener to a place where they can relax as well.  The closing title track “Everyman” is a low key song that bleeds of emotion as Bob tells of what seems like a very personal story.  Go discover Bob Pressner for yourself and feel the passion at: http://www.bobpressner.com/

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1 comment

  1. Joan Scott

    I’m so glad I stumbled across this review, I’m a fan of Bob’s and
    you hit the nail on the head, this is his best work by far.
    Thanks for giving it such a great spotlight.