Chase Atlantic Talk PHASES With Indie Band Guru

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Australian alt-pop trio, Chase Atlantic are set to release their sophomore album PHASES on Friday 6/28. Bringing to light a new wave of music, they fuse R&B and rock and it’s leaving fans yearning for more. Their emotional and edgy sound went so far as to capture the attention of the Madden brothers of Good Charlotte, and they were signed to their record label MDDN in 2016. With over 200 million total global streams on Spotify, you need to have your eyes set for Chase Atlantic’s release.

PHASES dawns this release a whole new era, “It’s the first time we were able to honestly and openly hone into something so monumentally special and raw without compromising even an inch of our integrity as artists. We’ve developed a completely new sound within a matter of months that has never been tapped into before.” vocalist Mitchel Cave says. Not feeling restricted to any one sound leaves them able to experiment with whatever feels organic to them, and PHASES is set to show that.

“HER” was the first single released off of PHASES and it immediately captivated their audience, leaving them yearning for more. The sensual single toys with modern connection people have with each other and with their belongings. Albeit one night stands or an affinity for designer labels, “HER” leaves you conflicted in how you differentiate love and lust. With a flow that you can’t help to sway alongside to, “HER” leaves you feeling like PHASES will be the album you’ll be jamming to all summer long.

We were able to catch up with Chase Atlantic to talk about the new release.

You’re about to release a new album called PHASES. How would you describe your sound this time around?

It’s a mixture of 80’s pop, with modern day R&B elements.

How has your sound changed and developed from your debut album, to DON’T TRY THIS, to PHASES?

We have kept the lyrical content at the same level of darkness, but manage to infuse that with lighter and more groove-based instrumentals. A cool and modern approach to pop.

Where did you draw inspiration from for this new album?

Movies like Interstellar as well as books like Annihilation helped us develop a theme. Once we developed that and produced a whole bunch of instrumentals, the lyrical content followed.

If you could go back in time, say to when you were 15, what would you tell your younger self?

Try harder in school. But keep doing you!

If you could go back to making your debut album, is there anything you’d change or want to do differently?

We are pretty happy with how our first album turned out. The only thing we would change is maybe add an interlude and a intro.

What song that you’ve released over your entire career do you feel is underrated or doesn’t get enough attention?

I feel like we are a pretty underrated band to be honest. So a lot of really great songs seem to slip under the radar sometimes for the larger audiences of music.

Are you more excited or nervous to see how the fans react to this new album?

We are always a little bit nervous when we release music, but we are confident in our abilities to write and create and we have such a great fanbase that is very supportive of whatever direction we might take. We feel this new album is a such a huge leap for us sonically that it will be hard for people to dislike.

Which song on PHASES are you most looking forward to performing?

“ANGELS” has so far been a really fun one to play, as well as “HER.”

Is there anything major that you plan on changing about this tour, compared to your last headlining tour?

A whole new level of production. We spent a lot of time and money designing the stage and how we want our visual and lighting elements to complement the music. Also Mitchel does backflips on command now.

You can find PHASES on iTunes and listen to “HER” below!

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