Craig Donovan Wants To Be The ‘Shadow To Your Light’

Craig Donovan

Music is truly a worldwide art. Yes, there are many different styles and sounds from all over the globe but the music is what brings it all together. As the world grows smaller an artist can successfully bring in a multitude of these worldly influences to create a fresh sound that can appeal to listeners from every corner of our world. One such artist is our recent discovery, Craig Donovan.

The multi-instrumentalist, composer, songwriter, and vocalist originally hails from my hometown of Staten Island, NY but now calls the Washington, DC area home. In between, Craig Donovan has spent much time in France, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom. This let him experience a wide variety of musical influences which he has been able to craft his own unique pop sound from. To add to the genius, Craig is also a federal attorney specializing in intellectual property and environmental law and is a graduate of New York University, Columbia University and The George Washington University School of Law. Quite a resume.

The latest musical release by Craig Donovan is the pop-rock single “Shadow to Your Light”. Self-described favorite song from his upcoming Skyshine EP, the song details the unbreakable bond and unconditional love between two best friends and the importance of being there for another. 

The expertly produced song fills the full sonic space of the speakers. The elegant piano combines seamlessly with a strong guitar attack filled with effects. The vocals add another element of true big rock sound with strong harmonies throughout the chorus and honest heartfelt lyrics telling the story.

 For more of the Craig Donovan story and music head over to his WEBSITE.

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