Dan Hamann Displays ‘Lumbering Grace’ With New Album

Lumbering Grace

The COVID-19 quarantine halted so many industries, forcing people to become flexible and creative in their thinking. Like many others, Seattle based live comedic performer Dan Hamann was left unable to entertain and connect with people like he normally would. The solution was creating his first ever fully produced, non-live album. Lumbering Grace is a vast display of the eclectic sounds and talents with Hamann’s head.

The fourteen tracks within Lumbering Grace span a wide range of genres and impressively includes 64 different instruments. That variety keeps listeners intrigued, waiting to see what story and sounds are coming next. Dan’s history of comedy shines through in this album, keeping it light and easy to digest. Listeners can expect nothing shy of a good time while spinning Lumbering Grace.

“This Shirt Don’t Feel Right” is the first track to dive into on this album, setting the tone for the remainder of this groovy ride. Jazzy, fun, and weirdly relatable this track showcases superb musicality masked in a funny song. Hamann puts well crafted music to a situation we’ve all been through but probably never talked about. It’s hilariously addicting and the perfect way to kickoff the album.

Listen to Lumbering Grace below

The remainder of the album takes you through genres spanning far and wide. Dan says “This album features 64 Instruments, played by 26 Musicians, from 12 Countries. Obviously this was an amazing experience to pull together, and with my love of musical instruments, compositional arranging, comedic storytelling, and bringing artists together to collaborate (like my old theater days), this was a culmination of those loves, and I hope it shows!”

There’s a ton of quirk and personality throughout Lumbering Grace as well as musicality. Just as often as you experience a new genre, you experience a new story with new life. You’re bound to find something that will make you smile throughout these fourteen tracks. And with quarantine life really not ever truly ending, we could all use some laughs. Put this album and play and let yourself dance around with the mind of Dan Hamann. You won’t regret it.

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