Factory Brains Seeks to Seduce with Classic-Influenced LP

Factory Brains' "Hard Labor"
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By Emma Cohen of Indie Band Guru

Hailing from across the pond (and then some, from Sweden), Factory Brains’ new album Hard Labor is as classically rock as it is sexy. The hints of jazz combined with the deep vocals and harsh tones make the entire album alluring to the senses.

This isn’t the group’s first take — their first album, Love Hours, came out in 2013. Both albums share the groups signature blend of rock and blues though, in my opinion, this album truly captures this marriage of sounds.

One of my particular favorite songs from the new album is “Fork in the Road,” a slow ballad that sounds like drunken waltz. Each beat is a foot grazing the floor as a couple steps and twirls effortlessly across it. The lyrics’ lack of romance, compared to the music’s oozing of it, make the song even more captivating. It tugs at the listener’s soul, connecting them to feelings of longing which had been unknown prior.

Factory Brains Play a Game of Contrasts

The next track on the album, in extreme contrast, offers a sound that’s the polar opposite of “Fork in the Road.”

“Arty Minds” is quickly dramatic, as there is little build to the heavy guitar and pounding percussion. This independent, emotionally fueled track is empowering enough to inspire greatness without becoming repetitive or relying on electronics. The high tempo resembles something you might have found in an underground punk bar of 1970s England.

Hard Labor is lost in time, bringing generations and genres of music together perfectly. My only complaint is that the album only has 11 songs. That is far too few, and it is just too easy to find yourself unsatisfied at the end of the album, forcing you to press repeat for more of this delicious sound.

Each track is different but they all have the same sensual undertone; it is as if each song is seducing you into listening to the next.

Find more seductive Swedish rock by Factory Brains here.

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