IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… RG the Protagonist

RG the Protagonist
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It has been a wild year for all of us. The key, as always, is to adapt and create the best path possible through the tough terrain. Actor and Hip-hop star RG the Protagonist has done just that.

We caught up with the multi-talented artist for a chat about switching gears and pushing through. Enjoy the interview here:

First off, tell us about how the name RG the Protagonist came to be?

Back in my college days, my friend Nasby started calling me R.G, short for Robert Greene. It just stuck and when we started our hip-hop group BFA, it was my MC name. The Protagonist part comes from my friend/producer Jon Blok. He was like you perform plays…why not, plus it separates you from any other RG.  

How would you describe your style? 

My style is free, poetic with hip-hop, soul and funk undertones. It’s jazzy and unorthodox.  

Which artists have had the biggest influence on your music?

Tupac, Outkast, The Temptations and James Brown

You are also a talented actor. How does making music compare to acting?

Unlike acting, in music I am always playing me because I wrote it. Music has a smaller pocket of framework; you have to flow within the beat and find your place in the track. I enjoy doing both.  

Much like most of us, the pandemic threw your life for a loop. With a starring role in ‘Mandela’ put on hold, how was your head able to shift to music? 

Great question, well music was all I had. I needed an outlet to express myself, so just kept writing and constructing song ideas. I remember thinking, if I can’t be seen…at least I can be heard.

What can you tell us about the upcoming album The Greene Crate?

It’s going to take the listener on an eclectic journey! Each track is fresh and unique, it’s sonically solid. For the project, I thought about how DJ’s kept their best records in certain crates, I wanted to do the same artistically. The album has something to offer for every ear.

Share some advice for other artists needing to switch gears due to circumstances out of their control?

First you have to be honest with yourself, try to find creative outlets to express how you feel. Trust that if you did it once, you can do it again. Lastly, don’t be afraid to take artistic risk.

Give us a look at the future for RG the Protagonist?

In a perfect world, I’ll be back on stage performing as Nelson Mandela by April. I also look forward to reuniting with my band and performing “The Greene Crate” live. Lastly, to keep creating and living true.

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