As written on Jackslacks website,”Good old fashioned, no-holds-barred American music.”  That’s the feel when you hear the upbeat rockabilly songs that possess just a touch of surf rock and southern guitar twang.  Finding this type of music in the days of constant bombardment of mediocre pop songs comes with difficulty.


This new EP from Jackslacks called “Invisible” controls powerful seemingly cheerful yet morbid guitar riffs and prose of one’s own finite adventure through life as a human being. This new 3 song EP includes not only includes Jackslacks (artist and driving force behind these songs) but a large combination of San Diego Jazzies: Seattle-based guitarist Johnny Mercury, and exbandmates all named Bill (Giorgio, Bacon, and Grubbs).

The song “Invisible,” imagines a 50-60’s diner with a jukebox playing tunes that have deep meaning rather than just rhymy hound dog lyrics. It doesn’t represent the vibe of the Fonz, but rather a deep understanding of mortality and consciousness that pairs righteously with your vanilla milkshake with borboun. It’s fun, yet real. Have a listen here:


Keep up with more news and music at: 

-written for Indie Band Guru by John Mink – Stand-up Comic, Writer, Journalist, FlyFishing Instructor

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  1. Jerry

    How is this guy not mainstream? Love the whole EP.

  2. Paulie

    Interesting words and fun music here.

  3. Christian

    Like I’m Invisible – MAN!

  4. Tony B

    Invisible rocks!

  5. Tony B

    Invisble rocks!

  6. Bill

    Great new music!

  7. Tommy

    Authentic sound…great lyrics!

  8. Randy

    Well written review. Listening to the new Jackslacks song Invisible – quite enjoyable – great lyrics!

  9. Timmy

    Well written review…love the milkshake with bourbon line. Excellent Americana music here. Really like the opening track “Your Time Has Come”!