Jägerborn goes solo with ‘Recon By Fire’


Even within a solid and successful band, there are individual members with thier own musical ideas. These song ideas may not be right for the band as a whole for a variety of reasons. That does not make them bad songs, just different. And different is what makes music so wonderful. We recently discovered Jägerborn who is now launching a solo career to get these songs out into the world.

Berlin-based songwriter and producer Tobias Gnüchtel is the engine and imagination behind Jägerborn. He is also the singer and guitarist of the band ‘museum‘ who had some success and minor hits over the past decade. Songs that were not quite right for museum had been piling up for quite a while. When life happened and production of the second museum album stalled, Tobias retreated back to his home studio and started recording. Now two years later, his first solo album A Jäger Is Born is on the verge of release. Tobias recorded every single instrument himself.

The second single release from the album is the super catchy “Recon By Fire”. The beginnings of the song came together even before museum started recording but sat on the shelf for years trying to find the right direction. Once Jägerborn had the time to dive in and create something he loved it provided the confidence to record the full album.

The quick elegance of the piano-pounding lay the groundwork for the track that gets your heart beating just a little bit faster. Although the lyrics tell of a darker situation, the building melody adds a layer of hope and potential happiness as we fall into the song. The energy of hopeful despair exudes from the speakers as get swept up in the yearning vocal delivery. This is music to make you feel.We hope to keep up with more from Jägerborn in the near future. Follow his journey on FACEBOOK.

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