Julia King Brings You Some “Radio Therapy” With Her Debut Album

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Julia King is everything you didn’t know you needed from a modern day artist. Growing up on Southern Rock and 50’s Classics, King takes the soul and wisdom she found in those old tunes and combines it with newfound perspectives of modern R&B, Country, and Pop to make something truly unique. Through Julia’s singing/songwriting journey she has figured out a away to seamlessly create an album that is cohesive, yet branches across several genre’s; hence the birth of her debut album Radio Therapy.

Radio Therapy tells the emotionally charged story of King’s life, each song bringing a different story, a different emotion. The album is full of angst, soul, sex appeal, and battles topics like love, depression, and self-reflection. Kicking off with “The Storm” which is a sultry and powerful R&B ballad that showcases the smooth, honey-like tone to Julia’s voice.

Julia King makes you feel everything with Radio Therapy.

“The Storm” seamlessly transitions into “Cannonball” which starts as a soulful ballad but as the song picks up you can feel the angst of the rock’n’roll in King’s spirit. As Radio Therapy continues to unfold you hear tastes of country/folk in the highly empowering, female-rebellion anthem “Best Life.” The twang of the instrumentals perfectly set the tone for the ‘give no f*cks’ vibe that the song portrays.

You can feel King exploring with genres and different techniques to perfectly encapsulate the emotion she’s looking to evoke at that time. That playful craftsmanship has truly made Radio Therapy a cathartic experience to go through from start to finish. The name of the album is fitting as it does feel like going through a therapy session, easily relatable to anyone who has lived, and loved, and lost.

You go through depression and self-reflection with King in “Damage” where gentle piano and the warmth of Julia’s voice cradle you softly. But sure to not leave you in a state of distress Radio Therapy picks the mood back up with the sultry and sexually charged number, “Cream.” While “Cream” continues on about a minute too long for my taste it does showcase some impressive musicality. Closing out the album is one hell of a rock number titled “Insomnia.” Guitar riffs, smashing drums, and a lot of angst in King’s voice create for a aural representation of mania.

Radio Therapy takes you through high’s and low’s and each bit flexes the vast knowledge and passion Julia has for music of all genre’s. Her experimentation with the old and the new have created for a unique listening experience and I for one, am looking forward to see how her journey continues!

You can find Radio Therapy on Apple Music, Spotify, and Bandcamp!

You can keep up with Julia on Facebook, Instagram, and Bandcamp!

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