Interview With Psych Hip-Hop Artist L.A. Wells

L.A. Wells
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Your path in music will always be a Journey.  Accept everything along the way and piece it all together to create your own originality.  Our recent find L.A. Wells is a perfect example of this.  We had a chance to sit down with the innovative hip-hop artist and get a look into his journey.  Enjoy the interview below:


So where did the name L.A. Wells come from?


The Name L.A. Wells Comes from my first and Last name. Name being Armando Lopez I just decided to use my Initials and The Wells part comes from inspiration from the science fiction writer H.G Wells. I like the way the name L.A. Wells fit and loved the originality of the name so decided to stick with it.


How would you describe your sound?


I feel My sound is more of a psychedelic hip hop feel but with lots of organic sound instrumentation with lot of rock feel to it. I feel that in Hip Hop you can incorporate all types of genre’s of music and still be considered hip hop

L.A. Wells Has Benn Working Hard For Years

You have been experimenting with music for a long time.  Tell us how your sound developed?


I have been playing with music for about 13 to 14 years from heavy metal to reggae I feel with these past experiences in music have helped me develop my own hip hop style by incorporating all of my past experiences with what I am doing now


What artists have influenced your sound?


Lot of Underground Artist have influenced my sound from , Cypress Hill, Psycho Realm , Immortal Technique, Non phixion, Snoop, Logic ,Joey Badass


What does the local Los Angeles Hip-Hop scene look like at this point and how do you fit in?


I think the LA Scene is really hoping on board into what everyone else is doing and not putting out their own original i know i show everyone my talent and originality


How does your songwriting process develop?


I write when I am inspired to write which doesn’t happen too often but when it hits me, it hits me hard and I’m writing all day everything that runs into my head is put down on paper. I feel like something takes control and grabs a pen and just starts writing my thoughts, dreams, worries, and when the process stops I gather down all my pages & sort them out what I like and dislike


With your new EP The Journey Ahead now getting out there, what is the journey for L.A. Wells


My Journey is to make this my career and not stop even if I reach my dream I have to keep pushing for bigger and greater things.


Find more of L.A. Wells story and music HERE.

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