Lil Vonn Invites Everyone To ‘Understand Me’

Lil Vonn
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The independent music scene has exploded over the past few years. More and more artists are out there hustling and putting out music for the world to hear. Our recent discovery Lil Vonn is one such artist building up a following with a solid stream of music and social media connections.

Hailing from the hip-hop hotbed of South Florida, the up and coming rapper puts it all on the table for people to see and hear. Lil Vonn shares his life on his INSTAGRAM showing that he is a real person that creates quality music that you can relate to. It seems to be catching on as his account already has over 7700 followers.

His newest track “Understand Me” opens up even more. The laid back beat mesmerizes the listener allowing the focus to be on the lyrics. Lil Vonn raps about his life and growth. He doesn’t care if people want to be with him or against him. He will continue on either way. That is what an artist should be all about. Do it for yourself and the right people will jump on and support what you are doing. Just be real.

Music seems to be coming out fast and furious for Lil Vonn with a new track “Coupons” just hitting the airwaves. Keep up with what comes next on his SOUNDCLOUD.

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