Mallaigh Ashton Serenades Us “With A Song”

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New love is one of the most thrilling yet anxious experiences that a person can have. It’s a whole new world of taking chances and risks. It’s like being blindfolded on a rollercoaster, with the hope that it ends in a positive experience. That is the theme of Mallaigh Ashton’s newest single “With A Song.

Mallaigh (Molly) Ashton is an independent singer-songwriter based out of “The Big Apple”, New York City. Her newest single “With A Song ”, is about the faint anxiety and thrill of new love, and the celebration of finding someone who really sees you. 

With influences of ‘Dreams’ by the Cranberries, ‘Fade Into You’ by Mazzy Star and artists beabadoobee and Taylor Swift, “With A Song ” by Malliagh Ashton is a 90’s dreamy-pop dream. 

Listen to “With A Song” Here:

Upon first listen, I fell in love with the song. I was instantly drawn in by the soft instrumentation and Malliagh’s soft-like-butter vocals. “With a Song ” was produced, mixed, and mastered by Seth Huff, bass was by Ethan Miller of Nashville rock band Res Ipsa Loquitor, and was studio engineered by Tom Ashton of Early Edison. 

One of the things I love about “With A Song” other than the dreamypop vibe, is that I felt a connection to the lyrics. I have/still am feeling the faint anxiety and thrill of a new love in my current relationship with my boyfriend, so I was able to relate to the love song feelings that Mallaigh sings about. 

“With A Song” brought out the hopeless romantic side of me and has been on repeat. If you’re a hopeless romantic like me or are just looking for some dreamy-pop vibes, I definitely think you should give “With A Song” by Mallaigh Ahston a listen!  

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