Randy Bryan unleashes his ‘Hounds of Love’

Randy Bryan
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Fate has a huge role in the creation of music. Certain artists will experience certain influences to guide their style. Artists will meet other artists to collaborate with, which will alter the direction of their music as well. This power of fate has brought us Randy Brian and  e.flamingo’s new version of “Hounds of Love.”

Singer-songwriter Randy Bryan originally hails from the rural areas of South Carolina and Southwest Virginia but now calls the city of Richmond, Virginia home. This is where he met bassist/producer/beat maker e.flamingo while working together in a local kitchen. Almost immediately a musical friendship was formed. Together they experimented in sound to create something that was truly unique. Their musical rhythm is totally in tune. 

The full ‘Hounds of Love’ experience

The newest collaboration between Randy Bryan and e.flamingo is a remake of the Kate Bush classic “Hounds of Love.” This was a project that developed over 8 months to redefine what Randy refers to as ‘a perfect pop song’. The method was to add a bassline, more harmonies, and a 14-piece orchestra.  

The slow rise of the track brings sound from all angles to blend into a full sonic tapestry. The original darkness of the track remains and dives even deeper with the vocals of Randy Brown. The emotion he pours out has a way of drawing the listener into the full experience. Relating it to his own life has provided all the power he needed. Five minutes and 13 seconds of a full journey into sound.

“Hounds of Love” will be featured on an upcoming 7-track EP coming this Fall. Keep an eye out for it HERE as well as on Randy Bryan’s WEBSITE.

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1 comment

  1. Jane Guevara

    Wow Randy this is amazing!