Reverse Family Release Their Eighth Sampler

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A huge undertaking started in October 2017 by UK artists Reverse Family. The group is releasing three hundred and sixty-five songs, one per day for a year. Their music is the epitome of low-def DIY punk/noise/electro/post-punk/everything. They just released Reverse Family Sampler 08, the eighth out of twelve. The album is full of influences and its terribly funny. It pokes fun with the lyrics and simplistic nature of punk music.


Reverse Family regards imagination and nonsense as primary forces in their work. They are seriously skilled at both. The album contains four songs, the first of which is “Tourine Liposomes and Guava”. Heavy use of digital effects and a French accent make this song too much fun. It’s a nod to post-punk and glam with a bit of poetry implemented for lyrics.


Reverse Family Makes The Most Adventurous Music



The next song is “All Gone To Hell”. With the utmost respect and love, this song sounds like a novice high schooler’s first attempt at a love song. There is overwhelming naivety which makes it so endearing and perhaps a bit painful. The song is instrumentally pared down so you are forced to pay attention to the cracking and unsure vocals. This is not a criticism, it is genius.


“Saturday Drag Queen” is a repetitive punk tune narrative. While not the best song on the album, it is still fun and witty one. There is something so down to Earth and likeable about Reverse Family. This is probably due to their fun attitude and refusal to take themselves too seriously. It is evident in all of their songs and it is what makes them so unique and great. “The Glimmer of See Through Trees” is the last song and it is reminiscent of the beginnings of punk. There is something reminiscent of the Velvet Underground both lyrically and with layered sound. This song is the most complex and seemingly most thought out.


Reverse Family Sampler 08 is really fun. They should be commended for their fearlessness and ability to put out many songs over the long period of a year. Reverse Family is DIY royalty.

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