Stephen Jacques ‘Sends Them Love’ today

Send Them Love
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No stranger to the pages of Indie Band Guru, we welcome back Stephen Jacques. Mr Jacques is a singer/songwriter/bandleader who’s lead an extraordinary life. Life’s journey is perhaps one’s best teacher. Various situations, characters, tangents and choices we encounter ultimately mold the people we become.  Being an engineer, actor, tv host and overall life enthusiast has given Jacques music a certain je ne sais quoi. True, perceived swagger and execution are two different things but Send Them Love, the new album by Stephen Jacques is played with both.  An absolute stellar blend of country, alt-rock with a 70’s touch.

Overall, the new album is upbeat. Their version of the classic track “All I Have To Do Is Dream” was a pleasant treat. Whomever the bass player is deserves a raise because the basslines roll, push the music and keep the band tight. Song 13, “Midnight Lover” is a great example. His bass lines induce a head bobbing groove easily devoured for our ears’ consumption. 

For the sawdust dancefloor we are giving “Texas To Brooklyn”. Impeccable guitar work is featured on this track. A heavy-handed strummed guitar digs into the beat. Violin exuberance is passed like a relay race baton to the guitar’s electric single coil lead melody taking us over the top. An absolute banger! The only complaint about this song is that it’s not longer. My air guitar was just starting to warm up.

In my opinion “Utah Countryside” is the star of the album. Simple and heartfelt music will always resonate. A man and an acoustic guitar are about as simple as it gets. Images of a modern cowboy taking a break from the dusty trail come to mind. He picks up his guitar to reflect life’s moments. On things he wants to say and possibly things he may never get that chance to. There are a lot of great lines in this cut like a collection of quotes we make in hope to share with the world.

As the years keep rolling so have his releases. Since the 2011 debut album Intrepid Souls, Stephen has stayed consistent. His brand of writing from the heart has led to a loyal growing fanbase.  The sound of his new album reminds me of Dramarama songs “Last Cigarette” and “Haven’t Got A Clue”. Dramarama front man John Easdale and Stephen Jacques ability to pull us in to share their everyday struggles is special. Ballad quality songwriting like Soul Asylum’s “Runaway Train” is within the bands’ range. Adding a little country twang, a dash of Lynyrd Skynyrd / Creedence Clearwater Revival to the mix and I think one has a hint of the makeup that makes Stephen Jacques music tick. Send Then Love, the new album is a must listen. Be sure to stay tuned.

Keep up with Stephen Jacques!!!

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