T Law Is “Coming For Ya”

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With a world riddled with negativity and conflict, positivity and inspiration is needed more than ever before. Music is an outlet in which we can seek out those positive feelings. T Law is no stranger to making music that leaves you feeling good. The Chicago based rapper has always set out with that exact goal in mind. His latest single “Coming For Ya” is here to uplift and inspire you.

It’s clear from the jump that T Law means business on this track. It opens with the lines, “Yeah, I’m coming for ya. I’m about to show them I belong. Just hold on, I’m coming for this industry.” Years of hard work and grinding has lead him to this moment and he’s ready to show that he’s here to climb to the top.

Listen to “Coming For Ya” below

Much like T Law, the beat in this song is consistent, keeping your attention to the motivational lyrics. He makes it clear throughout the song that no matter what challenges life throws his way, he’s determined to use his natural talents to make a name for himself. It’s impossible to not find that determination inspiring.

T Law’s close friends and colleagues Beadz and Karizmatik make appearances in this track, amplifying the song to an even greater level. Their voices add in diversity to keep your attention and further draw you in and lift you up.

All in all, “Coming For Ya” is further proving that T Law is absolutely right, he’s gonna make it. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more from him as he works on a new album!

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