If you ever get to travel the world make sure to experience the local music in each place.  The difference in sounds and styles is amazing.  Beautiful music can come from anywhere.  Luckily today, thanks to the internet, we can listen to exotic music from all over the world without ever leaving the comfort of our own laptop computer.  Our latest find, The Plum Magnetic, has captured many of these interesting sounds and combined them into their own unique style of music.

The Plum Magnetic

Hailing from a place of great music themselves in New Orleans, The Plum Magnetic has blended elements of music from all over the world into a synergistic whole with the goal of promoting unity through diversity.  The group formed back in 2011 within the ever thriving New Orleans local music scene.  Band members Trent, Andrew, Jon, and Oliver bring experience in an assortment of genres and instruments to the table to produce the world music sound that The Plum Magnetic is becoming well-known for.

Last year the band released Terra Animata.  The 8 track album is a fresh taste into the exotic sound The Plum Magnetic has made their own.  The almost 10 minute long “Trece Leches” is a perfect place to start.  The instruments blend together to create a wall of sound that will transport the listener to a foreign mindset with their feet still firmly on the ground.  There are traces of everything from African rhythms to bluegrass within the song.  The beginning of “The Electric Jungle” seems to be letting the brain relax a little with an Asian influenced taste but as the song builds, so does the experimental sound.  The true talent of the men on their instruments is displayed here.  Then there is “Parallax” which seems like a classic rock track taken from an alternate dimension.  The experience is memorizing.  The title track “Terra Animata” closes the record with a cacophony of sound brought together to one strangely cohesive unit.  The album will leave you winded as if you just travelled the world in one hour long whirlwind.  Enjoy The Plum Magnetic for yourself at: http://theplummagnetic.bandcamp.com/

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