Tough On Fridays Makes it Easy With ‘Simplicity II’

Tough On Fridays
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We are in a very strange time in our history. Many things have fully stopped happening in society due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Fortunately, music has continued. Not in the live setting, but some amazing music has been released to keep us sane during all of this. And it is delivered directly to our speakers without even having to leave our homes. This Friday will see another energy-filled piece of music by our friends Tough On Fridays.

For the past three years, the all-female band has been building their brand and in turn a rabid fanbase. Based in small-town Texas, Tough On Fridays creates a pop-punk-grunge sound that brings together both angst and excitement into one neat little package. Their in-your-face attitude without a care in the world has drawn attention both locally (early selections at Texas Indie Fest 4 years running) and in the music blog community including Stereo Stickman, Indie Band Guru, and AnR Factory. It seems even bigger things are on the horizon.

This Friday, May 1st, Tough On Fridays will release their next double single Simplicity II. This is the second is a series of expected single releases leading up to a full album coming this Fall. Lead vocalist and guitarist Caleigh says “Simplicity II is inspired by the relationships we have with our friends, both good and not so good and is a theme we carry forward into our new album.”

The first side “Party Scene” starts us off with a bang. The syrupy guitar melody quickly gives way to a pounding drum energy that gets the blood flowing a little faster inside us. A deeper dive into the lyrics shows the emotional songwriting that the band has in their arsenal. In true pop-punk standard, the track finishes us off in only 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

The flip side “Bad Memories & Wishful Thinking” has a grungier vibe with a chugging guitar and a slowed-down vocal pouring on the emotions in a different way. The angst is more prevalent as Caleigh pours her heart into the song. This one wilds up under 2 minutes leaving us wistfully wishing for more.

Rumor is we won’t have to wait long as another set of singles is expected from Tough On Fridays in July. Keep tabs on the girls and what’s next on their WEBSITE.

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  1. Pingback: Tough On Fridays Continue Momentum With Simplicity III - Indie Band Guru