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One of the surprises about ‘Biggest Fan‘ and Alex McArtor is that she is just seventeen. However, her songs are clearly the product of an old soul. There is no better example of this than ‘Biggest Fan’. She has an extremely unique voice with a beautifully tight vibrato. Her distinct tone can remind the listener of a combination between Amy Winehouse and Lana Del Rey.

‘Biggest Fan’ is a smooth song that appears to be a mix of pop and alternative styles. This song is so polished that it is very nearly hypnotic. McArtor is an exciting new voice in the music scene, and this new song shows why.

The Carpenters’ ‘Superstar’ serves as the main inspiration for ‘Biggest Fan’, as McArtor has stated. Indeed, it is no feat to hear a similar sense of hope and love. However, what tempers that hope and love is melancholy in McArtor’s soulful single. Both songs take on similar themes. As a fan of The Carpenters’, it is incredibly exciting to find their influences in modern music.

‘Biggest Fan’ is a song that perfectly captures the sense of euphoria of truly being a ‘fan’ of something. McArtor has written a song about finding genuine hope in what you can look at and admire. It can be a true joy just to admire something and to have an excellent time while doing so.

There is something very pure about finding happiness in a fandom. However, there is also a sobering sense of loss and disappointment when the magic of that is broken. I still vividly remember the realization that Julie Andrews would never, in fact, parachute down from an umbrella and teach me life lessons in a kind but firm fashion.

This is a song all about realizing that sometimes being a fan means keeping the magic in place and not getting to close. Maybe we just like the character in the film and not the actor playing it. McArtor’s ‘Biggest Fan’ is a glossy new song that is currently available.

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