Ana Egge’s Lead Single Opens Up Your Heart

Few folk artists have the ability to captivate my predominantly metal-loving heart. Ana Egge has become one of them.


The singer-songwriter from rural North Dakota built her guitar from scratch and went on to pursue music from a young age, with her debut album released in 1997, with eight more to follow. With well-written lyrics and a mature ear for music, she’s made quite a name for herself, winning “Best Folk Artist” and “Best Singer/Songwriter” from the Austin Music Awards.

Ana Egge Back with New Single, Video

“Dance Around the Room With Me” is the lead single off her new album, White Tiger, and its new accompanying video is absolutely heart-warming and stunningly simple.

While the lyrics are strongly suggestive of motherly intuition and care, that makes the song all the more beautiful. The song is mainly about being in touch with some of our strongest and most unpleasant emotions: sorrow, rage, and guilt. Egge is reaching out to her own 4-year-old daughter, imparting a wisdom prompting rationality and acceptance of the human condition — it’s okay to feel angry, or sad, or sorry. It’s quite literally a part of being alive.


“Being a mother and getting to know the ends of my patience and understanding the importance of modeling good behavior has brought me to some messy and creative places,” Egge said about the track. “Encouraging my daughter to experience her feelings when they come up so that she’s not afraid of them makes me, necessarily, need to practice the same thing.


“I think it’s true what they say about our fear of a feeling being much worse than the feeling itself,” she continued. “When I’m really feeling something I know who I am and I am in the moment. I am alive. Why not dance through it together?”


The music video depicts the three powerful emotions as parties in an array of respective colors pertaining to each — blue being sad, red being angry, and yellow being sorry. Each showcases acceptance of the emotion by hugging the children and cheering them up with light-hearted dance and smiles all around.


With tender lyrics accompanied by a gentle acoustic and an appropriate, beautiful filming aesthetic, the song is a winner off the new ever-creative album White Tiger, released June 8.

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