Lulu Musiq Drenches Us With ‘Summer Rain’

Lulu Musiq
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An amazing voice will always stand out in the world of music. It may take time getting that voice enough exposure to the right people but if determination is coupled with it, the artist will find their way. Our recent discovery Lulu Musiq has the pieces in place and seems to be on her way.

With roots in Sweden and Eritrea, Lulu Musiq moved to New York City in late 2006 to give herself more opportunities. Originally a songwriter, she soon realized her sultry voice could pair perfectly with the songs she was writing. She has been honing her talents for the past 15 years. Over that time, Lulu Musiq has worked with a variety of different producers and musicians as well as other singers and songwriters. This has given her a wide array of influences to build her own unique sound.

The newest single by Lulu Musiq is the soulful “Summer Rain”. Lying somewhere between R&B and Soul we get a beautiful song ripe with emotions. The classic vocals reach deep into the listener’s heart to invoke real feelings. The production builds to a memorable chorus which I found myself singing along to by the end of the track. This is the smooth songwriting that allows us to just sit back and enjoy.

We hear there is more to come. Keep an ear out for it at as well as the social media pages of Lulu Musiq:





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