Onesie Brings Back Pop Nostalgia With “Umpteenth”


Brooklyn based band Onesie has just released their sophomore album titled Umpteenth. The pop rock band released their debut album Leos Consume in 2017 and their follow up is satisfying current fans as well as gaining popularity among new listeners.

“Customers” Official Video Brings Lyrics to Life

With the release of their latest album, Onesie has released an official music video for their track titled “Customers.” The video switches back and forth between two settings. In one, it follows a mannequin making his way through life, functioning enough to get through daily tasks, but with no life behind it. The other shot is of the band performing with high energy that parallels the upbeat tempo of the instruments. The video is shot at funky angles and a variety of speeds, which gives a lot of character to the already catchy song.

Guitar is featured heavily throughout the album, drawing influences from the likes of Thin Lizzy and Black Sabbath. Both the vocals and the instrumentals give listeners a feeling of nostalgia for 80’s and 90’s pop music, paying homage to the feel good bands from those days that we all know and love.

The writing style is unique and sets Onesie apart from other bands in the same genre, with lines such as What’s your pitiful excuse for casting this depardieu?Most days routine’s the name of the game forgot my belt and took the wrong train. The use of slant rhyme is a signature specialty of singer, songwriter and guitarist Ben Haberland, with Zack Fanelli on bass and Lee Madaus on drums, beautifully fusing the relationship between instrumentals and vocals.

Stay Up To Date On Everything Onesie

You can find Onesie all over social media, so be sure to stay up to date by connecting with them on Facebook, Instagram and Soundcloud. They also have an official website, where you can find merchandise, song lyrics and contact information for Onesie.

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