Cheering for ‘Say It Out Loud’ by David Higgins

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Pop music tends to be unfairly hated in the modern music scene. Critics have called the genre soulless and bland, but David Higgins is one artist proving them wrong. His new single ‘Say It Out Loud’ is filled to the brim with tenderness and emotion.

Higgins is one of those singers who is inherently captivating. His voice and musicality mix perfectly in his songs, especially in ‘Say It Out Loud.’ He is a wildly intelligent artist, having started out his life in medical school and then moving on to music. He is also incredibly hard-working, still providing music amid the pandemic.

‘Say It Out Loud’ is one of his most polished songs to date. With an upbeat rhythm and a tune you can hum to long after you hear it. It’s a song you can listen to on your commute, during your workout, cooking dinner, or anywhere in-between.

‘Say it Our Loud’ is brilliant in its ability to address the difficult aspects of romantic relationships. One trend that I will reluctantly admit as being present in much of modern pop is the over-romanticizing of love. However, ‘Say It Our Loud’ does not shy away from addressing the struggle to successfully communicate with your partner.

This is a song that somehow manages to examine love from a realistic perspective as well as a romantic perspective. It does not operate under the pretense that love is a perfect journey through a fairy-tail. ‘Say it Out Loud’ makes the case that love is worth the trials that it presents. Higgins’ new song is all about the struggle to gain a substantial voice within a romantic relationship. Modern pop does not tend to address this.

David Higgins is a stunning voice in modern pop. His career is one you certainly won’t want to miss. If you are looking to find modern pop with a hearty soul, ‘Say It Out Loud’ is a perfect song for you.

Keep up with more from David Higgins on his WEBSITE.

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