Feel Natty Wylah’s Battle With Love In “Feel U”

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As a break from the Valentine’s Day “love is in the air” clichés, North London artist Natty Wylah presents a somber expression of the never-ending cycle of a love that leaves, but one that always comes back to him in the end, with his new single “Feel U.”

Natty admirably expresses his vulnerability, allowing the listener to join and follow him inside the depths of his mind as he contemplates and appreciates the struggle that comes with life and love.  

The listener can decide on their own whether they believe the object of Natty’s love is metaphorical or physical, directed at life in all its beauty or a person. In the heart-warming music video accompanying the song, Natty’s buddy is a heart-shaped balloon he hangs out with for a while but suddenly lets go, letting it fly away into the unknown blue abyss above. The balloon takes off on a journey across the city, landing right back in the hands of Natty, where it belongs—a beautiful metaphor for if something that is lost comes back to you, it is yours forever.

The constant, melancholic beat is followed by soft, melodic humming, soothing the ears and mind, juxtaposing Natty smoothly rapping the deep, dismal thoughts in his mind. “Can’t wait for the day I fall in love,” he yearns. The mellow beat produced by dylanthefamous follows Natty’s soft voice throughout the song. He meticulously transitions from effortlessly spitting the verses to the chorus, where he sings “don’t want to Feel U, don’t want you on my mind.”

Natty gained initial praise and popularity from his 2019 single “WHOAMI”, a look into the existential, self-questioning dilemma many people experience, and he highlights his own. He came back to impress with “Feel U”, “written from a hungover hole with a faint ray of light shining through contemplation.” The song is sampled from R&B singer’s Jorja Smith’s “On My Mind.”

That ray of light surely does shine throughout the song, brilliantly inspiring the listener to sit back and think about the parts of life that often scare us, notably that of the difficult journey of love and to love.

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